Vitamin D, an essential nutrient that has been extensively researched, plays an unmatched role in promoting overall wellness. Countless studies have established a strong link between vitamin D intake and cancer prevention, as well as numerous other benefits. In fact, it has been reclassified as a hormone due to its crucial role in our body. Research suggests that maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D is crucial for bone health, immune function, and much more. However, it is important to understand what counts as optimal levels – as a functional health practitioner, I recommend that my patients maintain their levels between 60 – 100 ng/dL, and in some instances even higher than that. For example, in autoimmune diseases, higher levels can suppress the immune function. But how much vitamin D is enough? Well, it depends on your baseline level. If you start with a vitamin D level of less than 30ng/dL, you might require 10,000 IU daily for several weeks and once you get to the optimal level, then 5000 IU daily should be sufficient. It is critical to note that vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and it takes a long time to raise its level unless your healthcare provider provides injections of vitamin D. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on the incredible benefits of this nutrient – make sure you maintain optimal levels of vitamin D today!